
What is Formstack's SSO Feature?

Lacey Jackson
December 26, 2019
Min Read

Post last updated 2/22/2022

Have you heard about SSO? 

Are you wondering what it means, how it works, and how it might be used with Formstack?

Read on to learn more about SSO and how it can enhance your Formstack user experience.

What does SSO stand for?

SSO stands for single sign-on. Single sign-on is a user authentication service that lets users enter a single set of login credentials to access multiple applications. With SSO, organizations using multiple applications can mitigate the need for staff to manage multiple usernames and passwords. 

Formstack lets you secure individual forms with Single Sign-On Authentication. When enabled, this feature gives account owners the ability to grant access to their Formstack account using an external authentication provider.

We support several authentication providers for SSO: 

  • Password Authentication Providers (LDAP and Active Directory) 
  • Redirect Authentication Providers (SAML 2.0, CAS, Google SSO)

How do I use Formstack’s Single Sign On (SSO) solution?

There are quite a few benefits to using SSO within your Formstack Forms account. 

First, you can control form access by authenticating users before they fill out a form. This can protect sensitive forms and ensure you are only collecting submissions from approved users.  

Second, SSO reduces the headache of password and application management. With SSO and Formstack, your IT team can manage access to specific applications and reduce the pain of trying to remember each tool a specific employee has access to. This also helps alleviate your users from having to remember multiple passwords and login credentials. 

And finally, you will be able to improve cross-departmental collaboration. SSO can improve data sharing and workflows across multiple teams through the entire Formstack Platform as it can utilize the data you already have by auto-filling fields on a form. With the collected data, you will be able to power automated document generation and eSignature, allowing you to improve organizational workflows and processes.

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SSO Powered Features

There is a wealth of data stored with and made available through your SSO providers. These features will help you tap into that data power and improve overall efficiency. Using SSO to improve the form filling experience is a great way to positively impact the customer and employee experience.  

User Management

(SAML 2.0)

User Management is great for securing and managing your forms. With this feature, you can ensure your forms are being accurately completed by the right people. Now, you can easily eliminate superfluous login credentials and save time by avoiding redundant data capture. If you’re interested in learning more about SSO User Management, you can take a look at this help article.

SSO Autofill 

(SAML 2.0, LDAP, CAS, Active Directory)

If you are looking for a way to expand your use of Single Sign-On, SSO Autofill will help you dip your toe into the SSO potential in your Formstack account. Autofill allows your form submitters to populate fields on your forms with information from a selected SSO provider, improving the time to complete a form and collect data. Formstack has several autofill claims attributes already set up for you. These include, but are not limited to: 

  • First Name 
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Title 
  • Department 
  • Company

Users also have the ability to create custom claims attributes. Check out this support article to learn more about setting up SSO Authentication on your Formstack Forms account. 

Watch Now: Using SSO to Access and Autofill Forms

Field Prefill

(SAML 2.0, LDAP, CAS, Active Directory, Google SSO)

Our newest addition to the SSO family here at Formstack is SSO Field Prefill. Take SSO Autofill further by populating existing SSO data into saved pre-mapped form fields on behalf of a user. Where SSO Autofill will need to be set up per form, Field Prefill can scale across all forms and subaccounts to simplify the form creation experience for form administrators—making this a “set it and forget it” feature.

Watch the Builders Blog tutorial above to see our Field Prefill in action!

This feature is perfect for organizations trying to improve workflows, empower their employees, and increase the time to complete form fills. Take a look at this feature page to learn more about this feature and request a demo.

Harness The Power of Formstack's SSO Solution

There are so many possibilities for your organization to leverage the power of SSO. From pre-populating an end user’s form using data stored within your SSO provider to adding an extra layer of security through user management, SSO can improve your workflows and help you capture more data. Make forms easier to complete, ensure data is consistent, and better sync systems by using SSO with your Formstack account.

If you’re curious how SSO and Formstack can improve your workplace productivity, check out the webinar Unlock Smarter Forms with SSO-Powered Field Prefill.


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Lacey Jackson
Lacey is a Product Marketing Manager at Formstack who is dedicated to creating content that showcases the power of the Formstack Platform. When she’s not creating Formstack Builders tutorials, she can be found reading, playing board games, or strolling with her dog. Lacey is a graduate of Franklin College.
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